Home / Parents / Parent Advisory Council



President                              Kate Mccallum

Vice President                     Samantha Whittall

Secretary                               vacant

Treasurer                              Cheryl Marsh

SPEAC Rep                            vacant

Directors-at-Large:             Tom Davis, Leigh Hoban, Heather Power, Leanne Renfrew


To contact the PAC please email us at:  centremountainlellumpac@gmail.com

PAC Constitution & Bylaws: tinyurl.com/CMLPACConstitutionandBylaws

PAC Family Drive, including meeting minutes and financial statements: tinyurl.com/CMLFamilyDrive

PAC meetings are held monthly on the last Tuesday of the month, 7pm, at the school.  The AGM is held the last Tuesday in May.

Follow us on FACEBOOK: facebook.com/centremountainlellumpac




Hot Lunch and Popcorn can be ordered at cml.hotlunches.net.

If finances are a barrier, please reach out to the principal, your classroom teacher, or directly to PAC.

We need volunteers to help on Hot Lunch Fridays.  Sign up at volunteersignup.org/777FY.

Questions about Hot Lunch?  Email us at cmlpachotlunch@gmail.com.


CO-OP GAS Fundraiser

NEED GAS?  Use our CO-OP Fundraising account # 141478.  A percentage of your purchases are added to the PAC share account for the benefit of our students.


School Board Policy

The Board recognizes the value of the many forms of community participation in school life. Consultation with parents is both desirable and necessary. The Board believes that parents who are informed and are committed to their children’s education can and do enhance the quality of learning.

The Board encourages the formation of Parents’ Advisory Councils, pursuant to the School Act, which may advise the Board, the principal and staff of a school on any matter relating to the school and which should promote the exchange of ideas among the principal, staff, parents and other community members, relative to school programs and policies.

The Board also expects the school Principal to take a lead role in helping the parent community form a Parents’ Advisory Council and provide on-going support. The Board encourages and support  the Sooke Parents’ Educational Advisory Council (SPEAC) and recognizes its role as a District Parents’ Advisory Council.